Friday, June 22, 2012
My First Blog Hop

Thursday, June 14, 2012
St. Petersburg again
I really like the delicate ribbon this stitch creates, it made me think of those old Victorian chokers with the elaborate ivory cameos. This is my version in a bracelet with a brick stitched button closure.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Awareness butterflies
Yes, I took them apart and redesigned them yet again, I wanted the bail to be in the center since they're smaller and lighter this time around. Then I decided I wanted to donate something for my niece's Relay for Life auction. And, as I've said before, butterflies are special to me, and cancer has taken much of my family. So…cancer awareness colored butterflies. I'm definately going to give her the pink, for my sister, and the green for my father who passed away from lymphoma 20 years ago. I've also got a dark blue for my grandmother who passed away from colon cancer two years ago.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Super simple earrings with lotsa sparkle
These couldn't be simpler. Seriously, the hardest part is holding on to the 3×5 mm little buggers while trying to brick stitch around the short sides…and if I can do it with my fat fingertips and brittle nails, anyone can.
I've been playing around with the idea of adding tutorials and I think this is the one to start with. I get so many compliments on mine and momma and little sister are the best at spotting the designs that are going to be the most popular…and they spotted these immediately.
Picot fringe
I was really looking for a ruffle when I started on these, but then I saw a picture of the pointy three bead edging called a picot fringe and decided to give it a try on a two drop peyote ribbon. I didn't want that zig-zag look that comes with it though, and added a second row, alternating so the points wouldn't meet. I absolutly love the way it looks, but I don't like how long it takes to do one simple bracelet, and keeping the thread from catching on the prickly edge is a pain in the tuckus.
I took it a little further and added it to a brick stitch pendant, which I really think adds a great finish to it. And, since brick stitch shows the stitching along the edge, the double picot fringe is awsome for hiding the thread and possible knots.