This was the first major snowfall we had this year, January 5th.
Isn't it just beautiful? I stayed with my mother because we knew this was coming, and she lives less than a block from where I work. It was completely clear when I went into work, but this was my walk back to her house at around 3:45 that afternoon.

The temperature dropped into negative double digits and we ended up in a deep freeze.
...and this never melted...
...and we've gotten several more inches on top of this...
...with black ice...
...and pot holes... that don't want to start...
...trashcans frozen in place...
...and $300 heat bills...
I'm done with you.
I've loved you for 37 years, but now it's over. My hair is so dry it's breaking off in places, and my skin is so dry it's cracking...literally. My knuckles look and feel like I've been in a fist fight, red and swollen and caked in blood. I draw the line at violence.
Please pack your bags and leave.